Self-Reliance: Caring and Patience

In the story self-reliance the values patience and caring, I think they are related with the story but not in a simple way, Emerson teach these values in the as the story progress, but for that he need to prepare us for get what he try, he try like make us stronger and be better but some things that he said not was good in my point of view, like he emphasizes following one's own voice rather than an intermediary's, such as the church in other words he said that the church not was necessary for people but that is lie because everyone needs the church at least a little because church help people to be better and be with in his path, well that’s supposed that a church do, also that the people need some spiritual guide because the people at their own will be lost and also get apart of God.
In the rest of the things Emerson was good, like Emerson urges his readers to follow their individual will instead of conforming to social expectations and that things are very good for people as I said before that things makes people be stronger in all aspects and forge their personality, we have to have patience and not rush to do everything because all the things have their moment and at cause of eagerness we can’t do things in the way they should be done, also sometimes we can’t appreciate the moment, moments that never come back again, also some things have their steps and we can’t miss one because it will destroy everything that we were working for.
Emerson encourages his readers to be honest in their relationships with others and that’s very good because be honest is one of the scarcest qualities that a person have now and a relationship need patience to build a very strong relation.
Emerson posits the effects of self-reliance altering religious practices, encouraging Americans to stay at home and develop their own culture, and focusing on individual rather than societal progress, and that was a very bad action because that not the way to make people strong and all it does is to create conflict and create chaos because people will get out of control and  since not all people are totally stable, each person are different, acts and react in different ways that create big problems between people; this are the reasons that the value caring is applied but not in right way.
Finally in conclusion the values are applied, in the story the only problem is that Emerson don’t do that things in good way and instead of help was only damaging them and infecting their mind, heart and also their souls that will mark all their life and suddenly the afterlife so he not think in a clear way he only was seeing the problem by the surface and was focus in the wrong thing so he couldn’t solve the problem in the good way because the problem not was in the around the real problem was in them.


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