
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018

The chilling adventures of a baby sitter

All of this begins with a young lady called katherine, she is a recently graduated school student who needed to gain some money because she was like in a rest time after she enters to university it was summer when she discover a part of her that will change her life. Katherine inhabit in a town called mystic falls when everyone lives near to other, all are like neighbors; in house next to her, dwell a kid called steve that his parents are important workers and can´t pass the necessary time with their son, until one day they decide to search for a baby sitter; Katherine have a sister called Pearl, so katherine call Pearl and tell that she was searching for calm job with good pay, and then pearl tell katherine about the baby sitter job so he go to the house of the parents of steve and she say that he would accept the job, the days passed and everything was good in the new katherine´s job until comes friday, steve invite two of his friends to the house and they do a mess with all house a...

Essay 600

Colombia is a country of south america and is located in ecuator zone, rich in flora and fauna although exist many countries with more territory than Colombia, Colombia takes the second place in worldwide biodiversity. The   20 percent of birds in the world they inhabit in Colombia. In Colombia increase the migrations of fauna from many parts of the planet because of the variety of ecosystems. Some of their animals are; -Pink river dolphin -Humpback whale -Cotton-top tamarin   -Poison dart frog -Orinoco crocodile -The 89’98 butterfly–Capybara -Spectacled bear -Giant anteater -Andean condor –Jaguar. Some of the most known flowers in Colombia are: *National flower of Colombia *National Tree of Colombia *Endemism. One of the patriotic symbols of Colombia are the flag and the colors of that flag means:   Yellow: Represents the riches of the country, the wealth of the Colombian soil, the gold, sovereignty, harmony, justice and agriculture, as well as the Sun, the source...